The Teaching Hospital of KotelawalaDefence University, the outcome of the long term vision of the Vice Chancellor of KDU, is a fullfledged hospital complex extending on a 56 acre land in Werahera. Designed by the architects of Design Group 5 of Sri Lanka along with the architects of AMC Consultants International Pvt. Ltd of Singapore, the construction of this 202 million US dollar project was carried out by Poly Technologies Inc. of China. CSEC was the infra structure design and structural peer review consultants of this colossal project.
The 704 bed teaching hospital consists of 20 operation theatres, laboratories and boasts of ultra-modern facilities including five Infrastructure Design and Structural Peer Review Consultant The Design Group Five International Pvt Ltd Role of CSEC Architetcts intensive care units and an oncology unit that are on par with international standards. It also features a hybrid Cath lab for complex cardiac interventions.
The multimillion dollar teaching hospital is a complete eco-friendly facility.