Temperature Monitoring
Project Summary
With the vast growth of the massive structures, Usage of the concrete is also increased drastically because, concrete is an epitome solution for the durability and also for the sustainability of the structure. However, in massive concrete structures like skyscrapers, bridges, dams, tunnels and etc., due to the cement contamination is high, the hydration heat generated inside is a crucial thing for the durability of the structural element. Therefore it has to be monitored and controlled to remain inside the critical boundaries.
Since equipment and the services related to the Temperature monitoring of mass concrete elements are lavish, the construction industry is reluctant to pay attention on this important factor.
By striving in to Our Focus, CBRO research team came up with a proper economical solution for temperature monitoring through innovation and proudly provide the required services to improve the sustainability in the field of construction. Our Temperature monitoring system has the capabilities of. Multi-channel measuring capability, remote monitoring, data logging are some of the key features associate with our highly reliable and efficient Temperature Monitoring System.